I spotted Ghost ☠️๐Ÿ’€

 I spotted Ghost ☠️๐Ÿ’€

One more real life story of mine

It is story of winter in 2018. So story starts as I and some of my friends used to go for morning walk in the place called Rajdah which was nearly 5 km away from our house.

So Rajdah was a place in the middle of the Jungle on Bank of river, many people come there to worship at present time. That place was established as temple by a Saint who used to meditate there for years. So he setup the temple.

In the way to Rajdah it was completely surrounded by jungles and since it was at the outskirts of our town so Dead people were also buried there.

So we used to go in morning near about 4:30 in the morning and in winter time it was complete Dark there, we used to take out lights are torch with us.

So that particular day we decided to race and I was running very far ahead of my friends and suddenly I saw a very large dark body Levitating up and down in the air in front of me nearly 50 metres away from me.

I suddenly stopped there, and it took nearly 10 second for my friends to reach me, when there reached their near me that Black mass just went to the left side, There was a Big Well it went inside the well.

We all ran Back to home safely and after that day we never went that early, we started going late after that.

I have one more story about that area— How I saved myself from Elephant of that Jungle.

which I will tell you in next post.

Hope you loved it.