“A Summer Miracle Beneath the Mango Tree"

 “A Summer Miracle Beneath the Mango Tree"

How Grandmother saved my life

I am back here with my another real life story 😉

On a scorching summer day, I sought refuge beneath our old mango tree. Its sweet fruits tempted me, and I plucked one, eager to taste its juicy delight. But, in my hurry, I bit down on the seed, and it got stuck in my throat.

I struggled to breathe, panic taking over. The world around me blurred, and I couldn't swallow or cough out the seed. The sun was merciless, and I felt myself weakening. It felt like there was no way out of this terrifying situation.

Just when hope seemed lost, my grandmother appeared as if by magic, as if Ishwar Himself had sent her. She rushed over and gave me a hard slap on the back.

Her forceful hit made the seed dislodge, and I coughed and gasped for air, tears streaming down my face. I was breathing again. My grandmother looked both relieved and stern, scolding me for not being careful.

As I sat there, still shaking but alive, I couldn't help but feel that something beyond coincidence had happened. It was as if Ishwar had guided my grandmother to rescue me at that critical moment. I looked up at the mango tree, its branches swaying gently, and silently thanked Ishwar.

From that day on, I cherished not only the delicious mangoes but also the presence of my grandmother, sent by Ishwar to watch over me on that unforgettable summer day.

Hope you loved it. 💖