Buddha Purnima 2023 Buddha's Birthday

 Buddha Purnima Buddha's Birthday

Gautam Buddha was a man of greatness who inspired the world with his teachings. He laid the foundation of Buddhism and inspired humanity towards success and prosperity through his teachings.

Gautam buddha images, gautam buddha posters

The message of his life is helpful even today for the common man in the world to understand the meaning of life.

Gautam Buddha was born in Lumbini, Nepal. He was from the Kshatriya clan. His father was a king named Shuddhodhan. Gautam Buddha was born about 2500 years ago. He spent most of his life in the kingdom of Magadha.

Gautam Buddha has made many important achievements in life. He preached four substances after a complete discussion of his life - sorrow, its causes, relief from it and its path. His message was that the enjoyment of wealth, happiness, or other human desires is temporary.

Some people consider Gautam Buddha as God while some consider him only as the founder of an ideology. Based on the teachings of Gautama Buddha, Buddhism has three main elements in human life – Buddha, Dharma, Sangha.

Gautam Buddha attained ultimate liberation in the last days of his life. His place is now known as Mahaparinirvana. This day is celebrated as Mahaparinirvan Day. This day is very important for all Buddhists.

The importance of the teachings of Gautam Buddha is more in our lives even today. His teachings give us more awareness to lead a balanced life. He fulfilled the purpose of his life by showing that unless we are free from sorrow, we cannot achieve happiness in life.

Gautam Buddha was a man of greatness who inspired the world with his teachings. This full moon is celebrated on the full moon day of Vaishakh month which falls in the month of April or May.

On the day of Buddha Purnima, followers of Buddhism celebrate it to commemorate the birth, Bodhi and Mahaparinirvana of Lord Buddha. This day is also known for some such important events in his life, which are also known to the followers of Buddhism.

The importance of Buddha Purnima is very deep. There is a detailed history of religious and historical events behind the importance of this day. Buddha was born in Lumbini, Nepal where his mother gave birth to him. He meditated and meditated for a long time to deal with the miseries all around and then one day he attained Bodhi.

On the occasion of Buddha Purnima, followers of the religion pay homage to Lord Buddha, remember him and draw inspiration from his teachings and guidance. On the occasion of this day, religious programs and bhajan-kirtans are performed and worshipers keep their homes clean and worship.

The importance of Buddha Purnima is felt in most countries where followers of Buddhism are in abundance. At the same time, Buddha Purnima is celebrated with great pomp in India too. Also this full moon is celebrated by most of the people in many countries where there are followers of Buddhism.

On the day of Buddha Purnima, followers of Buddhism organize meetings in Dharamshalas. On this day, apart from special worship, lectures are given by religious teachers on important topics of Buddhism. In most places, volunteers are also mobilized to clean Buddhist temples on the day of Buddha Purnima.

Food distribution is also done on this day. Many people are seen coming out of their homes on the day of Buddha Purnima and marching on the streets to Buddhist temples with spiritual songs spreading the message of peace and love.

The great festival of peace and spontaneity is celebrated on the day of Buddha Purnima. This day reminds us that we live in society with peace and understanding. Through this day we also understand that life requires not only health but also knowledge and spirituality.